Sage's Monsters

A Home for Monster Lovers


I'm Sage Anderson (they/she), a writer of adult romance fiction (sometimes erotic, sometimes not) wherein one or more of the romantic leads is a nonhuman creature such as a centaur, dragon, robot, lich, vampire, alien, or what have you. Additionally, I really like queer romances that focus on the joy between people and beings who don't express their genders and/or sexualities in cisheteronormative ways.

This website is an eternal work in progress as I learn to code alongside updating my stories and book recommendations.

Frequently Asked Questions

NSFW is an acronym that stands for Not Safe For Work, which means that if you get caught by your boss looking at this content while at work (or get caught by your professor while in class) you could get in serious trouble. In all the instances on this blog, NSFW is the acronym used to denote adult content, meaning content that is sexually explicit in nature and not suited for children. By contrast, SFW means (perhaps you've already guessed it) Safe For Work, and denotes content that is safe to view and interact with in settings that are less lax.

No! If you are under the age of 18, please do not view or interact with any of my NSFW stories or other content.

I might offer commissions for short, romantic fiction in the future, but right now I sadly do not.

Don't make me laugh! I'm not nearly a good enough artist to even consider asking for money in exchange for my scribbles.

Alas, no.

Not at this time.

You can share links to where the stories are located on this neocities website, but you are not allowed to repost my work on other sites such as Wattpad, Tumblr, and the like.

My email can be found here if you need anything or otherwise want to reach out. I also have a Tumblr blog that I use for more social interactions; it has a messaging function you can use if you want.

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