Sage's Monsters

A Home for Monster Lovers

NSFW Fiction

By clicking any of the following links on this webpage, you are agreeing that you are at least 18 years of age and can responsibly consume and interact with sexually explicit material. If you are not at least 18 years of age and/or feel unsafe while consuming or interacting with sexually explicit material, please leave this page immediately.

All of the fiction featured on this page is exactly that: fiction. None of the characters depicted here are meant to resemble any real-world people, whether living or dead. They are all my original characters; I do not showcase my fanfiction on this neocities website.

Additionally, I never depict non-consensual sexual acts in my fiction. Although some of my stories involve kink, all of it is performed with the enthusiastic consent of all participants. All characters depicted in sexual situations are adults. All stories will have an associated list of tropes and content warnings so that you, the reader, can easily choose what of my writing you feel safe and comfortable consuming.

All that aside, I have written all of these stories with love and much giggling, and I hope you enjoy them as well in all their steamy glory. Happy reading!

Summary: Aiden Finch is a journeyman witch, newly arrived in the Forest of Silence to complete his compendium of magical plants and their uses. However, the most elusive plant he wants to examine only grows in a leshy's secluded home, and said leshy isn't in the mood to entertain visitors. How much (and what exactly) is Aiden willing to give in exchange for completing his herbal?

Primary Relationship: cis male human (he/him) + cis male leshy (he/him)

Word Count: 4,900 (approximate)

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